






1。 JV JSC “Spartak”

JV OJSC“Spartak”是白俄罗斯最大的自主生产糖果产品和半成品生产商之一,生产约350种糖果产品,并且注重食品安全。如今工厂主要有4个工作方向:饼干,焦糖,薄饼,巧克力/糖果。

JV OJSC “Spartak” – one of the largest producers of confectionery products and semi-finished products of its own production in the Republic of Belarus, producing about 350 confectionary products including products of therapeutic andpreventive action. The factory today has 4 main work sections: biscuit, caramel, wafer, chocolate/candy.


Confectionery products


2。 OJSC “Krasny pischevik”

OJSC“Krasny Pischevik”是一家糖果厂,使用传统工艺制作各种糖果产品。包括蛋奶酥棉花糖,果酱,果冻豆,太妃糖,酥糖,糖果。

OJSC “Krasny Pischevik” is a confectionery factory, producing a wide range of confectionery products using classical techmologies.Marshmallow souffle, marmalade, jelly beans, toffee, halva, candy.

Confectionery products



3。OJSC “Krinitsa”

OJSC“Krinitsa”是白俄罗斯共和国最大的酿造工业企业。 它专业生产啤酒,汽水(kvass,水),干粮浓缩物(tsevita,可可,果冻,亲吻)。OJSC“Krinitsa”提供了大量的啤酒搬运工,进行搬运发酵啤酒。

OJSC “Krinitsa” is the largest enterprise of brewing industry of the Republic of Belarus. It specializes in producing beer, soft drinks (kvass, water), dry food concentrates (tsevita, cocoa, jelly, kissel).OJSC “Krinitsa” offers a wide range of beer from largers to porters, fermented kvass.

Beer, soft drinks, dry food concentrates



4。 JSC “Minsk Grape Wines Factory”


- 烈酒(伏特加,生啤,黑麦蒸馏酒,朗姆酒,杜松子酒,龙舌兰酒,威士忌)
 — 葡萄酒(仍然美味)
 — 香脂利口酒
 — 苹果酒
 — 低酒精起泡饮料
 — 汽水

Joint-Stock Company “Minsk Grape Wines Factory” was founded in 2000 and since then has become one of the major producers of alcoholic beverages in the Republic of Belarus.Today the company produces more than 220 products, every one of which meets the highest standards of quality for alcoholic beverages and has its loyal customers.JSC ?Minsk Grape Wines Factory? is one of the biggest Belarusian producers of the following beverages:

- strong alcohol (vodka, bitters, rye distillate, rum, gin, tequila, whisky)
 — grape wines (still and sparkling)
 — liqueurs and balsams
 — apple cider
 — low-alcoholic sparkling beverages
 — soft drinks



5。JSC “MINSK KRISTALL” — “MINSK KRISTALL GROUP” holding management company

Minsk Kristall 是白俄罗斯高品质酒精饮料市场的领先制造商。我们的产品范围:伏特加酒,葡萄酒,科涅克白兰地,药酒,香草利口酒,利口酒,饮用水。

Minsk Kristall is the leader of Belarusian market, the manufacturerof high-quality alcoholic beverages.Our product range: vodka, wine, cognac, nastoyka, herbal liqueur, liqueur, drinking water.

Alcoholic beverages

6。“Smorgon dairy products” branch of OJSC “Lida milk plant”

 — 全脂奶粉26%;
 — 脱脂奶粉;
 — 82.5%脂肪黄油;
 — 72.5%脂肪黄油;

“Smorgon dairy products” branch of OJSC “Lida milk plant” is one of the largest producers of dairy products in Belarus.
 — whole milk powder 26%;
 — skimmed milk powder;
 — butter 82,5% of fat;
 — butter 72,5% of fat;


Dairy products

7。 JSC “Agrokombinat “Dzerzhinskiy”

JSC“Agrokombinat Dzerzhinskiy”是白俄罗斯最大的禽肉(鸡肉)生产商之一。该公司生产鸡肉(鸡胸肉,鸡柳,鼓槌,鸡腿,鸡翅膀,凤爪)的各种冷冻产品,包含成品与半成品。

JSC “Agrokombinat “Dzerzhinskiy” is one of the largest producers of poultry meat (chicken) in Belarus. The company produces the whole range of chilled and frozen parts of chicken (breast, fillet, drumsticks, thigh, wings, feet and paws) as well as the wide range of finished and semi-finished products.

Poultry meat (chicken)

8。 OJSC Brest meat processing plant

OJSC “Brest meat processing plant” 是白俄罗斯共和国最大的肉类行业企业之一。 有着超过75年的历史。 企业的主要业务是加工农用原料,生肉,香肠与及半成品。 我们采用优质的原材料,拥有先进的设备,保存传统方式,使得OJSC “Brest meat processing plant” 获得了耀眼的成功。也正是这样的条件方法,我们可以满足客户最大的期望。

OJSC “Brest meat processing plant” is one of the largest enterprises in the meat industry of the Republic of Belarus. It is present on the market for over 75 years. The main activity of the enterprise is processing of agricultural raw materials, production meat and sausages and prefabricated products. Quality raw materials, advanced equipment, preservation of traditions are the components of success of OJSC “Brest meat processing plant”. It is this combination of approaches and methods in their implementation that allows to answer the expectations of our customers.

9。 OJSC “Vitebsk Meat-Packing Plant”



OJSC “Vitebsk Meat-Packing Plant” is one of the largest meatpacking plants of the Republic of Belarus, which is more than 85 years manufactures meat products. Today JSC “Vitebsk Meat-Packing Plant” is a modern technically equipped meat processing plant, which manufactures products under the brand “MyaskoVit”. The products assortment of the company is more than 400 items: sausages, smoked pork and beef, sowbelly products, meat semiproducts and pelmeni.We offers a wide range of cooled and frozen semi-finished products with a long shelf life: natural meat semi-finished products, quick-cooking semi-finished products; chopped semi-finished products (beef, meatballs, raw sausage); semi-finished products covered with dough (dumpling, pasties, meat pastry, khinkali)/ Onlyy cooled pork and beef is used for the manufacture of semi-finished products/ The installed upgraded line of vacuum packaging allows packing all kinds of semi-finished products hermetically under vacuum or under the conditions of a modified gaseous atmosphere.


Meat products

10。 JSC Mozyrsalt


JSC “Mozyrsalt” is one of the largest producers of edible evaporated vacuum salt extra on the territory of the CIS and Western Europe. The wide assortment of products allows to meet requirement of any buyer.

 — 海盐,加碘;
 — 表盐“Universalnay”;
 — 工业用盐

11。 JSC " Vitebsk Broiler Poultry Factory "

JSC " Vitebsk Broiler Poultry Factory «是白俄罗斯共和国最大的生产和销售鸡肉类产品的企业之一。 该公司在实施创新项目和先进技术方面取得领先地位,有助于制造具有竞争力的产品,增加产量。 公司的家禽肉是以工业规模生产的,采用封闭式循环生产,育养雏鸡,生产孵化鸡蛋,种鸡加工,把鸡肉加工成半成品,烟熏禽肉和香肠制品。

JSC » Vitebsk Broiler Poultry Factory " is one of the largest enterprises in the Republic of Belarus for the production and sales of broiler chicken meat products. The company is a leader in the industry in terms of implementation of innovative projects and advanced technologies which contributes to manufacturing competitive products and increased production volumes. Poultry meat is produced on an industrial scale using a clos production cycle from obtaining young breeders of chickens, production of hatching eggs, growing broilers to complete processing of poultry meat into natural semi-finished products, smoked poultry and sausage products.

其他展商Other exhibitors

12。 Rogachev milk canning plant

13。 Turov Dairy Industrial Complex

14。 Servolux- Group of companies

A Group of Companies “Servolux” is the largest producer and the major agribusiness operator in the Republic of Belarus. The Group is rapidly growing in the markets of Ukraine and Russia.


The core business activities are as follows:
 — poultry meat production — 179.5 ktonnes in 2016;
 — complete feed and specialties production — 487 ktonnes in 2016;
 — milk production — 20.7 ktonnes in 2016;
 — meat and sausage products  — 10.3 ktonnes in 2016;
 — a branded retail chain comprising more than 100 grocery «neighborhood» stores;
 — supplies of animal-breeding and feed milling equipment.

“Servolux” Group of Companies is an authorized dealer of:
 — the companies which are included in the largest agribusiness holding in Europe — «Nutreco» (the Netherlands);
 — a number of the best European manufacturers of agricultural equipment:
«Сhore-Time Europe» (the Netherlands);
«Fancom» (the Netherlands).

A comprehensive integrated teamwork of experts in the fields of market research and analysis, physical trading, commodities exchange business and risk management contributes greatly to and helps towards the achievement of high operating results.

15 Slutsk Cheese Factory

16. Grodno meat-packing plant



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